7 Characteristics Of Accomplished People According To Abraham Maslow

7 characteristics of successful people according to Abraham Maslow

We could even go further by saying that few diagrams have been such sources of inspiration for what is commonly called personal development. Nowadays, and the irony of this observation is quite cruel, many of us only cover the needs of the first rung of this pyramid. We are stuck in a kind of continuous back and forth generated by a frantic existence, and we fail to devote time to fulfilling our higher needs.

For example, and we all know this perfectly well, the level of security is absolutely not guaranteed to us by the conditions of our existence. It is a need that is difficult to acquire, even in stable situations that seem to allow it: couple relationships, for example, are made up of alternating periods of security and insecurity. We have to admit that it is not easy to climb and climb Maslow’s pyramid, to reach the pinnacle of self-fulfillment.

However, we should think of this pyramid as an incentive to travel, which requires of us small daily efforts, courageous investments and acts of self-sacrifice. Likewise, we often overlook another fundamental aspect of this pyramid: this trip, which we have just described, will not necessarily be happy or simple. In fact, humanistic psychologists remind us that tutelary figures of humanity, like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi or Viktor Frankl, are perfect examples of accomplished people. No one would risk qualifying their existence as peaceful.

Now let’s take a look at the main characteristics that define accomplished people.

happy woman

1. Successful people are drawn to the unknown and the ambiguous

Accepting uncertainty, seeing opportunities in the fog of the unknown, and developing an interest in the ambiguous things that life sometimes offers us, is a great way to keep an open and flexible mind, able to adapt to situations. the most complex.

This is what Abraham Maslow defines as the need for actualization. Nothing is more important, in order to continue to mature and invest in our personal potential, than to remain sensitive to new information and to stimuli different from those to which we are used to being subjected. We must remain open to what our environment has to offer us.

2. The objective assessment of reality

This dimension, which perfectly defines accomplished people, is not the one that we can most easily observe in our daily contexts or in the people around us. It is also quite possible that we too are capable of being objective when it comes to observing the environment that surrounds us. But, most of the time, our appreciation is clouded by judgments, stereotypes and appreciation biases, which make us reluctant to be fair, humble, and receptive to those around us.

If we were a little more objective and put aside our value judgments, we might see reality in a whole different way.

 3. Accomplished people are unconventional, but are humble

Successful people have their own identity. Its own characteristics, a certain charisma and an aura that has the power to inspire others. They made themselves and, through this process, they learned to accept themselves, with their qualities and their faults. They have been able to set clear priorities and have given themselves the means to achieve their vital goals.

Successful people know what they want and enjoy their authenticity. They have mastered the delicate art of not being afraid to show themselves as they are in the world, while respecting others and pushing them to give the best of themselves.


smiling man

4. They are motivated by their development, not by the satisfaction of their needs.

We said it at the beginning of this article: we all struggle on a daily basis against the necessities, the needs that are at the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid. We are all looking for a stable job, a home, a romantic partner, strong friendships… However, there is one thing we should think about more.

Our current lifestyle and society generate a form of inertia. All the dimensions that we have just mentioned oscillate, they are transformed. Few things are certain and definitive: work fluctuates, we have lost friends, we have just met people who light up our lives …

However, there is no need to have secured the primary needs of Maslow’s pyramid to be able to move up to the upper echelons. The most important goal is to achieve self-fulfillment, so that we can face all the basic affiliation and security processes more calmly. Successful people are more focused on their own development. They understand that there are times that are more difficult than others, but they have psychological strategies at their disposal that allow them to overcome adversity.

path in the forest

5. They have a purpose

We all love to share evocative and motivating phrases through social media. One of the best known, which we can find regularly on these platforms, is the following: “ We must not fall asleep without a dream, nor go to bed without a goal ”. However, we often go to bed with our heads full of concerns, and we wake up far more often with fears than with goals.

We absolutely must turn the situation around. Let us eliminate this horizon full of obstacles and failures which obscures our vision, to give a real purpose to our existence. A real goal that can be subdivided into small daily goals, which will strengthen our confidence once we have achieved them. If we invest strength, motivation and energy to achieve a stated goal, much of our life will change.

6. Accomplished people are grateful

Accomplished people have the exceptional ability to see and appreciate their surroundings with the innocence and magic of a child. They manage to see all the nuances of existence and each color, each glow, is an invitation to improve a little more each day.

Because life, in their eyes, could not be more beautiful than today : this is why they are grateful for what they have. Each person met, each lived experience and each present event is a source of satisfaction. Because each of these stages allowed them to learn and flourish.

7. They build few relationships, but they are deep and powerful.

Successful people are very selective when it comes to bonding; they favor quality over quantity. When they build a relationship as a couple or friendship, they invest their attention, tenderness, humility and creativity, in order to create a solid and enriching bond for everyone.

Likewise, and even if their social circle is often very limited, they feel tenderness and a real interest in all of humanity. They are people united and concerned by universal problems such as discrimination, hunger or social inequalities. Their ethical principles are very strong and they do not hesitate to be active when it comes to defending the rights of others.

To conclude, it is quite possible that you have identified yourself with one or other of the characteristics that we have just presented to you. However, you have to keep in mind that it is not enough to just feel close, to feel “being” in this way. We must practice self-fulfillment on a daily basis and be pro-active agents of our personal development, as well as that of others. Because this is the final objective of Maslow’s pyramid: to be able to transform the world to reach a higher level of well-being, coexistence and harmony.

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