6 Ways To Clear Your Mind Before Sleeping

6 ways to clear your mind before sleeping

Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you feel that your mind is preoccupied when you go to bed?

Do you keep thinking about the same things the instant you close your eyes and go to bed?

Rest is essential for our body and for our mind. However, even when you are very tired, it is not always possible to sleep well.

If you have stressful thoughts or your mind is preoccupied with complicated situations, getting a good, restful sleep is difficult.

To sleep and rest well, you need to free your mind from all those thoughts that keep your mind busy.

In the rest of this article, we’ll give you some tips to achieve this.

Visualize the release of your thoughts

If you have thoughts as soon as you get into bed, try to visualize those thoughts leaving your mind.

Imagine that there is a large basket next to your bed, in which you are going to place all the ideas that haunt your mind.

These thoughts won’t go away that easily, but they will stick around while you rest.



The regular practice of meditation has many benefits, including improving the quality of sleep by calming the mind.

Meditating daily will help you reduce the thoughts that haunt you at night.

Meditate, focusing on your breathing, to relax your body and mind. You will then be ready to sleep.

Do you promise to rethink these things later

Thoughts that assail you at night are like children wanting to get attention.

Much like our little darlings, thoughts insist heavily, as if they are afraid of being forgotten or ignored.

By thinking about it over and over, you may find solutions to certain problems, concerns, or doubts.

If you have recurring thoughts at night, promise yourself that you will think about them the next day, that you won’t forget them, and that you will give them all the attention they need.

What we will see in the next point will also help you keep your promise.

Write down your thoughts

When you don’t give your thoughts enough space to get out of your mind or to expand, they stay in your mind and end up haunting it.

You have to let go of your thoughts to get them out of your head. A very easy way to do this is to write down all those thoughts that occupy your mind.

Sometimes these are very simple things, like what to do the next day for example. It could also be related to your job, or an idea for a project you want to start, or even a change you want to make.

It can also be an emotion that needs to be expressed, a pain that arises because of something that is happening.

Either way, don’t let these thoughts steal your sleep. Write them down to make sense of them and leave you alone.

Writing them down is not going to solve your problems all at once. But the fact of devoting time to them and to think about them, will allow you to calm down and release your stress.

Good and bad habits before going to bed

Certain habits help us sleep, such as reading for example. Reading helps us to purify our thoughts, and to forget what preoccupies our mind.

If you do this frequently, it will give your brain a signal that bedtime is approaching, which will help you fall asleep.

However, the use of cell phones or any type of backlit screen makes it difficult to sleep. So avoid using your electronic devices at night.


Mantra is a word of Sanskrit origin which means spirit and liberation. A mantra can be a syllable, word, phrase, or piece of text that, by being recited and repeated, enables a person to achieve a state of deep concentration.

When said consciously and with great concentration, mantras are very effective.

You just need to repeat them, without needing to focus on their meaning.

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