5 Signs That You Are Raising A Narcissistic Child

5 signs you're raising a narcissistic child

The education of self-esteem is something that parents cannot rule out because it is on it that the good emotional development of children depends.

However, sometimes we give so much importance to the self-esteem of children that it goes beyond reason and it is then narcissistic children who emerge.

A recent study found that parents who thought their children were better than other children did not help them gain self-esteem.

On the contrary, it harmed them because the risk of becoming narcissistic was much higher.

The study concludes that in order to boost self-esteem, the important thing is to educate children who feel loved, and not better than others.

According to the researchers, when children are perceived by their parents as better and having more rights than other children, they can internalize their point of view, which is completely narcissistic.

But, when children are treated by their parents with affection and esteem, they can internalize the idea that they are valuable and valuable individuals.

The over-valuing of parents is not the only thing that fuels the development of a narcissistic child, however.

The researchers point out that, like other personality traits, narcissism is influenced by genetics and partly takes root in early behavioral manifestations.

So, in view of this, some children might be more inclined than others to become narcissists when subjected to their parents’ over-valuation.

How do you know if you are educating a narcissistic child?

The following aspects are clear signals of an education which promotes the appearance of narcissistic attitudes in a child.

Taking these aspects into account and adapting will help you encourage better emotional and psychological development in your child, so that they do not become a narcissist.

We cannot forget that from a psychological point of view, narcissism is a personality disorder that has many negative connotations for the lives of people because deep down they suffer from it.

Make your child believe that he is infallible

Some children find it difficult to be confident in themselves, and despite their skills to perform certain tasks, they are paralyzed because they feel terrified of the possibility of failure.

To boost their self-esteem, it is necessary to give them confidence, to encourage them and to give them compliments so that they realize that they can do it.

It is important to distinguish two things: the first is to give children compliments, to recognize their successes and to give them confidence in their capacity to solve problems and to be successful in the various spheres of their life.

The second is to make them believe that they will never be wrong.

It is necessary that the children learn to live with the error, because it is the best method to care for a narcissistic child.

And more, they must understand it as part of the game and as part of learning.

They have to learn it to fit in, to fall and get up, just like when they learned to walk. The one who makes mistakes is the one who tries, the one who gives the opportunity to succeed.

Constantly comparing your child to others to show that they are superior

From the age of 7 or 8, children begin to compare themselves to others. Sometimes the interest in these comparisons comes from parents, who are eager to show how good and ahead of the rest their child is.

But these comparisons create a lot of pressure on children, who feel that they should not disappoint their parents by being in the bunch.

When a child stands out, it is good to praise him for his achievements and his qualities, but without comparing him to others. 

To be good or even better at something does not mean to be superior, but children cannot see it that way because their world is still only rough lines, which will gradually become finer.

So, reaching out to them when discovering these nuances is also your task.

Offer a model in which we are unable to listen to criticism

Listening to criticism from others is quite unpleasant for many adults, so imagine for a narcissistic child.

But you have to know how to accept criticism constructively and offer a role model for children to do the same.

It’s not about saying yes to everything and putting your head down, it’s about being critical of yourself, talking about the problem and making a commitment to change what can be improved.

If kids see that their parents can’t take criticism, that when it comes to valuing positive change, or act like they’re always right, regardless. of others, it is almost certain that they will act in the same way.

And even worse, some parents are unable to withstand criticism of their children and react irrationally because they cannot lower their child from the pedestal of perfection and superiority on which they put them. .

Brag about your child and systematically apologize for mistakes

Let’s be honest. You can be proud of your child without bragging about it and defend it from everything to demonstrate that it is the best. It won’t make it better.

Some children will respond by rebelling against their parents and others by fueling their narcissism. Neither option is an easy or healthy path for them.

It’s not a bad thing for kids to mess around or goofy every now and then. It’s okay, don’t feel ashamed.

Instead of excusing the behaviors, it is better to show them that no one is perfect: it is a good learning opportunity for them.

Talking badly about different or “inferior” children

A child who is different or a child who has less ability is not an inferior child.

However, if parents criticize it for intellectual, physical or clothing criteria, children will end up thinking that they are above, and that others are inferior to them.

Sometimes this negative way of talking about others is a way for some people to try and highlight the areas where they feel better than others.

But to give an example, just because someone is ugly doesn’t make the person next door a more beautiful person.

You don’t have to bring out the worst in others for the good in yourself to emerge. 

But if a parent starts talking badly about other children to make their own child feel more important, they will only get a child who loses perspective on themselves and their true worth.

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