5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Good Relationship

5 questions to ask yourself before starting a good relationship

In this society where an infinity of programs and other television news make us feel the need to be in couple, many are those who let themselves be influenced in an unconscious way, by the wave of social fashion.

We also know very well the great need of human beings to experience at least once in their life a beautiful love story.

When these magical desires to start a beautiful love story invade us, few are those who ask themselves the right questions before starting.

Still, asking questions and  drawing on past experiences is quite logical, healthy and intelligent.

Adopting such a philosophy will allow us to avoid making the same mistakes again and to obtain new and much more positive results , as well as a better quality relationship, and more emotional warmth.

What are the 5 questions you should ask yourself before starting a new relationship?

– Have you recovered from your last relationship? If you want things to go well, from the start, you have to proceed in stages.

When you start a new relationship, you need to be sure you’ve recovered from your previous relationship. So you will have peace of mind and heart.

Not everyone deals with romantic breakups in the same way, but it is essential to invest in a new relationship “washed” of all past grudges, emotions or feelings.

Also, the other person deserves you to do this work on yourself.

– Do you really want to start a new relationship?

One of the most typical mistakes you can make when entering a new relationship is not being quite ready , letting yourself be influenced by those around you, or just wanting to be with someone. only so as not to be left alone.

It is important to ask yourself this question if you want to become aware of who you are, of your inner Self, as well as of the real needs that you may have when entering into a new relationship.

You have to be as sincere as possible, take into account the pros and cons, understand your own current situation, but also that of the other.

Take the time to be fully aware of the other’s needs and desires , to know them well, to know what they expect from their relationship with you, etc.

– Do you really have time for a new relationship? Any relationship takes time and emotional energy, in addition to a commitment as a couple.

You better take into account that the first stage of your relationship will demand a lot from you, on all levels.

It’s also healthier to be sure that both members of the couple are willing to take the time it takes to achieve emotionally unique results.

If your answer to this question results in doubts, or if you just realize that you are not ready, it means that now is not the right time to start a new relationship.

Give yourself time, things happen when they should.

– Do you fully trust this person? A relationship involves two people, not just one.

The best relationships are built on trust, love and respect. These are the stars that must constantly shine and seldom be absent.

It is necessary that the two members of the couple take into account these three elements and that they work on them daily.

This is why it is essential  to ask yourself if you really trust the person with whom you want to build a healthy and true relationship.  When there is mistrust, then there is no relationship.

– Is it really love? This last question is one of the most difficult when thinking about entering into a new relationship.

From the simple rapprochement with the other can arise different feelings such as  friendship, passion, even a simple connection or affinity.

Sit down and think about where your true feelings come from. You need to be sure what your heart is feeling, and not just let yourself be carried away by physical attraction, friendship, or the mere illusion of the moment.

Everyone’s experience is undoubtedly the greatest lesson that can be used when embarking on the fascinating and precious project involved in a relationship.

Take your life into account, and build on the lessons learned from your previous engagements. This will help you get a clear idea of ​​your feelings for the other person, so that you can start a new story.

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