5 Keys To Overcoming Resistance To Change

What exactly is resistance to change?
5 keys to overcoming resistance to change

What has the most influence in overcoming resistance to change is not the set of reasons, arguments, or advice from others. What is fundamental is to wish to change and to be convinced that the transformation will strengthen our identity, instead of denying it.

Whether we like it or not, life is dynamic. Nothing is static and for that what today is one way may be different tomorrow. Overcoming resistance to change therefore becomes a daunting task for many. In fact, some put too much effort into making sure nothing changes.

Most of us want to be better and we act with this desire in mind as a cross-cutting goal. However, there are also times when we can think about whether or not to pay the price involved in this growth. There is a force acting as a resistance to change, it could be the fear of failure or of the unknown for example. So we can stay in the same situation for a long time, even when we find it uncomfortable.

Resistance to change is that force that pushes us to stay in our comfort zone. Changing means changing our routine and our internal world. It also means welcoming the new with tenderness and accepting the challenge. It can certainly cause fear. But there is always a way for everything. And the path to overcoming resistance to change has its own keys. They are five in number.

1. Have emotionally attractive goals

When we want to change, what has the most weight in our decision are not the reasons which push us to the transformation, but the emotions which accompany us. Sometimes we feel like we “have to” change something, but the desire to do so is very low. In these cases, it is very likely that you will have difficulty maintaining your desire to change.

It is very important to properly consider what you want. When you are attracted to a goal, it is much easier to overcome resistance to change. If the goal is very important to your life, but you can’t relate your emotions to it, you probably need to take a deeper look at what’s behind it. What is an obstacle for this desire for change?

resistance to change

2. Establish concrete micro-goals

It is very important that you focus on a clearly defined goal. Generalities help us overcome resistance to change. On the contrary, the more diffuse the objective, the more difficult it will be for you to concentrate your efforts on achieving it. For this, the first step to take is to delimit the objective.

Then you need to break this lens down into micro goals. If there are many, this may indicate that the main objective has not been correctly defined. The idea is not to have to perform many tasks to achieve the end goal. Subdividing this process will allow you to treat it and see it as more accessible and close. You must also clearly detect your progress and be satisfied with it.

3. Build a vision, a key to overcoming resistance to change

Studies in this area tell us that rational arguments are not sufficient to overcome resistance to change. We may have the best reasons in the world to change, but they won’t automatically turn into motivations. For that, we have to take an extra step.

It is advisable to establish a vision of what will be achieved once the change is made. Visualizing what will be obtained and what will no longer be obtained allows us to move forward in the process. In other words, we have to look to the future. How will we be, what will our life be like if we manage to change?

resistance to change

4. Know short-term successes

In addition to dividing the goal into micro-goals, the ideal is to imagine short-term goals. In other words, they should not require a significant time investment from you. If a very long time elapses between setting the goal and achieving it, motivation collapses.

On the contrary, when the goal is short term, you can appreciate the first results quickly and the attitude changes. You prove to yourself personally that you are actually changing something in your life. It pushes you forward.

5. Experiment with changes that strengthen identity and do not deny it

The identity component is also very important when planning a change. Often, we resist the introduction of a change in our life because deep down, we have the feeling that it does not suit us. In fact, sometimes we feel that the transformation is against us.

This often happens when we are under pressure from those around us. However, what for some or all is a noble goal, may not be for us. If we set out to change just to meet the expectations of others, our efforts will most likely be destined to fail.


These five points are some of the keys to overcoming resistance to change. In each of them, the desire for change shines. In general, people are still able to bring our desires to life in a way that we like. It is best to start there, that is, to ask ourselves what we really want to achieve.


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