5 Keys To Good Emotional Health

5 keys to good emotional health

When we buy ourselves new clothes, when we change our hairstyle, when we laugh with our friends, when we play sports or we practice meditation, our attitude changes, we feel more positive, more inspired and creative.

Our emotional health can improve with the little things that happen every day that help us look different and feel better.

Emotional health is linked to knowing how to properly manage our emotions, both positive (love, joy, hope, good humor), and negative (hatred, anger, jealousy, guilt, envy) in order to be able to feel good and behave better. .

An emotionally healthy person is someone who has learned to understand themselves,  to accept themselves and to look at life with a smile.

We have traditionally been educated to act rationally, without giving too much importance to emotions in our personal development and even in some areas we see showing emotions as a symptom of weakness.

However, many scientific studies show the influence of emotions in our behavior at the physiological, psychological and behavioral level.

It is for this reason that we offer you several techniques to be able to improve your emotional health and feel better.

Remember the good things you have and do what you love

When pessimism comes over us, we are not able to remember all of the good things we have. On the contrary, our past seems to be a huge desert in the twilight.

This is why  we suggest that you write down on a piece of paper all the good things that you have,  whatever they are: if you have a lot of friends, if you are sociable, if you know how to listen, if you know to design…

Whenever negative thoughts take hold, read this list and remind yourself how unique and extraordinary you are.


The whirlwind of everyday life sweeps us away with all these tasks to do that make us forget what we love and that we have to find the time to do it.

If you like going to the movies, find a time in the week and go see a movie you want. If you like to cycle around, go for a ride. If you like to read, grab a book before you sleep and enjoy it.

It’s about finding time to do what we love. It’s possible, isn’t it?

Learn to communicate with yourself and accept yourself

It seems very difficult for us to express our emotions in certain circumstances and to say what we think.

But to be true to who we are, it is necessary to communicate with ourselves properly, to express emotions with empathy, and to learn to say no when necessary.

Opposing something with rational arguments is a good exercise in being true to who we are.

Accepting ourselves with all our faults is an exercise in courage that teaches us how to react to specific situations and to control our emotions in a healthy way, to improve our emotional health.

Accept who you are, and your change will begin. 

Stay active and live in the present

Being active, both physical and intellectual, is good for our emotional health. People who keep their brains moving feel better because they don’t let go.

But in addition to mental activity, there is a need for physical activity. Therefore,  walk, run, ride a bike, go to the gym, whatever, but get moving.


Have you ever counted the number of times during the day that you are worried about things about the past or the future?

Faced with these thoughts, tell yourself that  the past cannot be changed and we do not know what the future will bring. It is therefore not very useful to worry, and it is important to live in the present.

Relax and surround yourself with positive people

Sleeping well and relaxing is fundamental to our health, both physical and emotional. It gives us rest and well-being.

Try to go to bed at the same time every day and  indulge in activities that promote sleep  so that it is restful. And find a time each day to relax or meditate.


The energy imparted to us by positive people in our life is fundamental.

Try to move away from people who are stressful to you or who have pessimistic attitudes, and get  closer to people who appreciate you and who know how to teach you all the good things in life, in your life.

Seek help if you need it

If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s not just your emotions, it’s your life. So,  a specialist who listens to us and supports us can be fundamental  in some cases to promote our personal development.

Don’t be afraid to call on someone to listen to you and make you see things from a different perspective. It’s about growing emotionally and learning from our mistakes, to love ourselves a little more every day.

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