4 Attitudes That Can Harm Us At Work

Find out here what are the 4 attitudes that can harm us in the world of work, both when looking for a job and keeping a job.
4 attitudes that can harm us at work

In the Spanish language, the name Síndrome SAPO ( SAPO syndrome) groups together the four attitudes that can harm us at work. It is essential to know what is hidden under this acronym: the attitudes in question are not good allies to find work or even to keep your job.

They are not good allies in our private life either … In short, these attitudes serve us in all areas. In the rest of this article, find out what these attitudes are and their consequences.

The 4 attitudes that can harm us at work

The Spanish name SAPO síndrome encompasses the four attitudes that can completely destroy our working climate. Each letter is the initial of one of the attitudes in question.

  • Pride ( Soberbia )
  • Arrogance ( Arrogancia )
  • Presumption ( Prepotencia )
  • Obstinacy ( Obstinación )
Anger is an attitude that can hurt us at work

1. Pride, one of the attitudes that can harm us at work

Le Larousse defines pride as follows:

Pride is therefore far from being an attitude that arouses sympathy. Worse yet, people who think they are superior to others tend to be strongly rejected by others.

Even if the people concerned try to camouflage their pride, usually they themselves end up denouncing their false humility. This new attitude encourages further rejection.

2. Attitudes that can hinder us at work: arrogance

Le Larousse defines arrogance as follows:

In common parlance, this term is frequently used as a synonym for pride. From a behavioral point of view, arrogance is manifested in particular by systematic disregard for the arguments and opinions of others.

3. The presumption

This attitude is very similar to the previous attitudes. Moreover, arrogance can be seen as a manifestation or a consequence of presumption.

A presumptuous person thinks they are better and smarter than others. Because of this, she doesn’t pay much attention to what other people say (arrogance).

4. Attitudes that can harm us at work: stubbornness

Le Larousse defines this term as follows:

This term thus refers to people who have trouble changing their minds or vision… In short, these people who consider their opinions and ideas as the only ones that can be valid. However, we always work better when we listen to and consider the opinions and ideas of others.


A working meeting

The attitudes that help us triumph in the world of work

Working in a good atmosphere is a circumstance that we all appreciate. If the attitudes cited above do not allow us to take advantage of such a context, the following attitudes help us, on the other hand, to triumph in the world of work.

The ability to resolve, one of the attitudes that help us at work

This ability refers to knowing how to react to possible inconveniences that may arise at work. It is a valuable quality, not only for work but also for our private life.

Creativity and initiative

Sometimes we are afraid to express ideas that come to mind. However, many companies value this attitude.


This attitude is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most valued traits in the world of work, whatever the company. An employer generally seeks to verify this quality in potential candidates during an interview.

Knowing how to work with other people and form a team so that a professional project goes forward is a very positive point for any company.

Tolerance of criticism

We generally don’t like reviews. It’s not nice for someone to question our work. However, while the reviews are constructive, they contain information that we can use in our favor.

Flexibility or adaptability

It is sometimes possible for us to make certain changes in order to modify our working conditions and thus make them coincide with our preferences. But it’s not always the case…. We will not always be able to make these changes and then we will have to adapt our desires, we will have to adapt.


Organization or planning is a quality that can help us reduce daily stress. Setting our priorities, filling an agenda and sticking to our agenda will go a long way in helping us to be productive.

You have just discovered the attitudes that can harm work and those that can, on the contrary, make us triumph. It’s up to you to adopt the right attitudes.


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