3 Keys To Connect To Hope

Connecting with hope, that is, regaining faith at the level of our possibilities, is difficult when the mark of what made us lose it is deep. This is a process that we need to put in place, however. Because without it, it will be very difficult for us to develop projects that will make us grow.
3 keys to connecting with hope

Let us remember that hope is precisely one of the things that governs our life. If we could not connect with hope, we would be just a whim of circumstances.

An emotional state in which hope is not present, like all emotional states, will tend to be maintained by inertia. We ourselves must assume, with will and skill, the challenge of changing this emotional ecosystem that does not want to disappear to give way to another.

What makes us lose hope?

Many events make us lose hope. The death of a loved one. A permanent separation. a loss of a job, poor results on an exam… In these situations,  the feeling of lack of control, resources or skills puts an end to hope. We are strangled by this feeling of not being able to do anything and think that we can never achieve what we want or prevent what we fear so much.

how to connect to hope?

The next step could be to work out the fact or thought so that it does not harm the course of our life. Is it the end of the world if we cannot achieve what we so desire? Can a goal define us?

Faced with these questions, it is true that, as we have already noted, emotional states with negative values ​​tend to be maintained by making use of special behaviors, thoughts and emotions. Self-esteem is therefore easily damaged, with psychological and physical consequences.

This is something that can end up affecting our health or our interpersonal relationships. The chances of a disease appearing increase and it is possible that we end up moving away from the people who can precisely help us.

What can be done to connect with hope?

To connect with hope again,  it is important not to follow the path of self-destruction  and to try to avoid distortions in the assessments we make:

Learn how to prioritize

Having the right scale of priorities often helps us come to terms with failure in a healthier way. What we do not give too much importance to does not affect our emotional state. The error or the impossibility will therefore probably not generate frustration if we do an exercise in realism and do not distort the importance of what is currently not within our reach.

Surround yourself with positivism

It is important to nurture positive emotions so that you don’t have to move forward with despair. Rain or shine, the backdrop for a positive emotional state and the foundations of hope will be much more resilient in the face of setbacks. To impossibilities.

Take back control

When we feel desperate, the temptation to let ourselves be guided by chance can be very great. The question is clear: why put so much effort if we end up failing? The feeling of not being in control translates into anxiety. During these difficult times it is important to remember that  while we are still in control of much of what happens to us.

woman on a path wanting to connect with hope

What are the steps to follow ?

Despite all of these important elements, we may not know where to start to connect with hope again. So here are some simple and useful exercises that can help us reconnect:

  • Fight laziness:  even if it attracts us, it contributes to frustration. Even though we feel good when we succumb to it, we will eventually feel guilty for not having done anything.
  • Write down your goals on a piece of paper:  seeing in writing what we want to achieve will motivate us to move forward. Keeping a journal or writing in a diary are ways of organizing our life and, therefore, our thoughts.
  • Connect with nature:  escaping into nature allows us to disconnect from the negative.
  • Listen to music that brings you positivity:  music affects us a lot, so we can use it as a healing tool. Pick the one that helps you feel better.
  • Exercise and train your body:  by doing this you will also train your mind and relax. There are substances related to happiness (such as dopamine or endorphins) that are secreted by our body during and after exercise. These substances improve the mood and self-esteem.
  • Rest:  Lack of sleep is like lack of sport: it negatively affects our mood. If we do not rest (or poorly), our mind and body will be less agile and predisposed to everyday life.

Ultimately, it is not about changing our personality or achieving impossible goals. We need to be concerned about our physical and mental health. By avoiding the temptation to feed negative emotional states. However, it must be said that many of these conditions are inevitable. They are part of the natural path to any goal.


As long as there is life there is hope
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