3 Benefits That Can Be Enjoyed By Speaking Alone

3 benefits that can be enjoyed by talking alone

If you are speaking to yourself, it is likely that the people around you are looking at you strangely. Most people will think you are crazy. Have you ever talked to yourself? Perhaps you have adopted this behavior as a habit, or it is an integral part of the way you are.

Many people speak alone, because this way, they manage to have clearer ideas. Indeed, it can allow students, for example, to better memorize their lessons, and to link together concepts and ideas that previously seemed unrelated. Often, we also speak out loud to combat loneliness.

Never call someone who talks alone crazy, because maybe that makes him feel good.

Whatever your reason for talking to yourself, if you do, don’t be ashamed. As you can see, the reasons could be various and it can help you in some situation. For you, is there nothing positive about talking alone? Read the rest of this article, and learn about these three main benefits:

Maybe you found yourself talking to yourself when you were under pressure. Speaking alone in a stressful or pressured situation can help you cope with stress, be clearer, be more organized, and see things much more clearly.

Imagine that all of a sudden, when your working day was already organized, a new task to be carried out arises; you must then review your entire program so that you can do everything you need to do. Whether you like it or not, anxiety and stress will take hold of you. Talking on your own can then help you get a clearer picture and reorganize your program more effectively.


Have you ever had to prepare a speech? In such a situation, your nerves are on edge, even if when the time is right you manage to keep your cool. But when preparing, surely you can ask yourself questions like “why am I so nervous?”. This allows you to calm down and relax.

Talking on your own helps you deal with anxiety and stress much better.

However, speaking alone also helps you when your nerves are cropping up because you find yourself alone and it bothers you. There are many people who do not know how to be alone, or who feel suffocated by this sensation; speaking aloud can help them feel accompanied.

As we said earlier, when under pressure, speaking on your own allows you to be much more active and effective. In order to give a scientific basis to this assertion, a study carried out by psychologists was carried out on this subject to confirm what was then only a supposition, a hypothesis.

Gary Lupyan, from the University of Wisconsin, and Daniel Swingley, from the University of Pennsylvania, were able to study the behavior of a group of people willing to do a task. People who performed this task silently took longer to understand what was being asked of them than people who spoke to themselves aloud. The difference is therefore notable.


Thus, it has been proven through this experience that speaking alone allows us to have clearer ideas and find solutions much faster. It can help us if we feel stuck in a project, or if we feel like we are lost and don’t know where to start.

“It’s not that I speak alone, it’s that no one will ever understand me better than myself.”


The curious thing is that it seems that our ability to be able to communicate is not only oriented towards others, but also towards ourselves. Being able to talk to yourself allows you to get out of certain situations that otherwise would take you longer to be able to resolve.

Do you think that speaking alone only allows you to be more efficient and have clearer ideas? Know then that by speaking alone, you are also more able to realize your dreams as well as to realize your ideas. Speaking alone motivates us and allows us to propel us to success.

If you talk to yourself out loud in order to solve a problem, automatically you will give yourself a few words of support. Without realizing it, you will encourage yourself to move on and get through what you are doing.

This is why it is very good to speak alone if you are preparing for an exam or simply if you are going through a difficult situation. In the first case, you will memorize your lessons better, and in the second case, you will be able to have clearer ideas and see the solution to your problem emerge. If you stay silent and say nothing, you might feel sad and a little frustrated.

If you are feeling lonely, talking aloud to yourself can help you cope with the feeling of loneliness.

If you are one of those people who talk to yourself, good time! Surely with practice you will learn how to get the most out of it. So if you see someone on the street talking to themselves, don’t call them crazy. Perhaps he is trying to get his ideas clearer, or to find an idea or a solution to a big problem.


Regardless, we have found that our ability to speak is not only oriented towards others, but also towards ourselves; we can use it in our favor. After telling yourself over and over again how important it is to believe in yourself, love yourself and be aware of what you deserve, now isn’t the time to start advise you to talk to yourself?

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